Optimize Your Center Pivot Irrigation Water Use with Pressure Regulators

Friday, May 12, 2023

Pressure regulators are vital in maintaining the optimum performance of your center pivot irrigation water use. They help you optimize your pivot operation by ensuring effectiveness and efficiency throughout the system.

In agricultural irrigation, effectiveness can translate to delivering the right amount of water at the right time to meet crop and soil needs. But optimum performance means your center pivot will achieve that effect while allowing for water and energy savings.

A well-designed center pivot irrigation system can have a water efficiency rate of over 90%, higher than flood systems and other sprinkler irrigation methods. Pressure regulators ensure that your pivot irrigation system operates as designed. They also help prevent water waste, a critical factor in today’s water-stressed environment.

Because sprinklers work effectively within a specific range of flows and pressures, the correct water pressure is critical to achieving optimal distribution uniformity and proper flow through the sprinklers connected to the mainline.  Under these conditions, they maintain their distribution pattern, throw radius, and droplet size. 

If sprinklers operate outside their design pressure parameters, their distribution patterns and application rates will be altered, causing over- or under-watering. Also, they will have a shorter lifespan, making your investment less profitable.

Irregular water distribution can also cause uneven fertilizer and chemical application throughout the field, affecting crop growth and yields.

Correct water pressure is key to achieve optimal distribution uniformity

Lower Pressures Benefit Center Pivot Irrigation with Better Usage of Water and Energy

Today, pivot irrigation systems that are more efficient use low-pressure sprinklers and pressure regulators to save energy and water costs significantly. Low-pressure heads like Senninger® Wobbler® sprinklers or LEPA bubblers help lower energy costs and save water by reducing wind drift, evaporation, and runoff. 

Lower pressure translates into reduced horsepower requirements and less energy consumption. It can also reduce wear and tear on the machine and system components.

Low-pressure sprinklers with an operating range of 1 to 2 bar (10 to 25 psi) lessen the need for pumping without drastically reducing flow, allowing crops to continue receiving a sufficient water supply. They enable farmers to downsize their pumps or trim their impellers to lower the horsepower needed.

Low-pressure sprinklers like Senninger Wobblers or LEPA bubblers help lower energy costs and save water by reducing wind drift, evaporation, and runoff.</p>

Senninger Wobbler sprinklers with pressure regulators help you improve your center pivot irrigation water use by irrigating more zones simultaneously. They also deliver larger droplets, which are more resistant to wind and evaporation. Senninger LEPA bubblers provide similar benefits, including water application in fewer pivot passes and significant water savings that make them a favorite in water-scarce areas.

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